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An advanced abdominal wall pad consisting of epidermis, dermis, fat and linea alba. This pad has a separate peritoneal layer and is mounted on a base for teaching all surgical access and closure techniques to the abdomen.
Abdominal wall is held under tension by a balloon which represents the intestines
Contains latex
5 layered system represents the abdominal wall anatomy: epidermis, dermis, fat, linea alba, peritoneum.
Skills Gained
Insertion of a veress needle
Insertion of a trochar
Hassen technique
DPL techniques
Incisions: linear, ellipse, flaps, shaped
Subcuticular undermining
Simple and advanced interrupted suturing techniques
For items purchased after January 2018 the replacement part needed for this product is 50060
SCORE Surgery Curriculum 2017-18
16. Surgical Critical Care: Operative/Procedure:.... Damage Control Laparotomy and Management of the Open Abdomen
ACGME Obstetrics and Gynecology Milestones, Version 09/2013, Patient Care, p.6
Performs simple abdominal incision and closure
RANZCOG Curriculum, 3rd Ed. (Nov. 2017)
Apply clinical knowledge and surgical skills to: Open and close abdomen, using both vertical and transverse incisions
RCOG Core Module 5: Core Surgical Skills (p. 4).
Core Module 5 Logbook....Open and close the abdomen
The Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum, General Surgery 2013 (Updated 2018) (p.67)
Early Years training in General Surgery
...Technical Skills and Procedures...
2 Open and close midline laparotomy incision