PROMPT Flex Birthing Simulator Range
Designed with, and used by, leading worldwide clinicians.

The Birthing Simulator
Standard & Advanced models comprise a Birthing Mother and a Baby, these stand-alone trainers allow for a variety of training scenarios, and can be enhanced with one of the additional PROMPT Flex modules below.
Standard Birth & Beyond
The Advanced PROMPT Flex birth simulator offers the best base for core birthing skills. Its modular design allows you to build on this structure and switch in additional components for enhanced learning scenarios.
Check out the Clean Bleed Mat of increased realism in your training
Cervical Cerclage Module
The easy to use design gives realistic movement, enabling trainees to place the cerclage as high up the cervix as possible, supporting learning of the McDonald technique.
Developed in collaboration with Dr Graham Tydeman (Consultant Obstetrician and Inventor, NHS Fife), Professor Andrew Shennan OBE and Professor Annette Briley (Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust).

Cervical Dilatation & Effacement Module
Ideal for Midwifery training, the Cervical Dilatation & Effacement Module allows for assessment in both latent and active first stages of labour.
The speciality positioning mechanism allows for adjustment of station, dilation and tilt, without the need to dismantle the simulator.

Assisted Vaginal Birth Module
The newest addition to the PROMPT Flex range, AVB's innovative design allows realistic training in ventouse and forceps deliveries.
An innovative design allows the ventouse to realistically adhere to the baby’s skin, while inserts within the uterus allow for forceps to be inserted and remain in place while the second blade is positioned and gives a realistic level of resistance whilst delivering the baby.

Perineal Repair & Episiotomy
The Perineal Repair and Episiotomy Trainers work alongside the PROMPT Flex range. Recently updated, the new fabric Perineal Repair Trainers offers a longer lasting trainer, for repeatable learning.
Enhanced Caesarean Section Module
Supports training of both routine and complex caesarean sections, such as Impacted Fetal Head or Transverse Lie.
The pre-incised skin and uterus allow for repeated practice to gain confidence and familiarity with their skills, as well as the manoevres.

Postpartum Haemorrhage Module
The PPH module allows training in the management of postpartum bleeding, and offers a realistic simulation of an atonic and contracting uterus.
This module can be used in conjunction with the Clean Bleed Mat, and add an extra dimension to training courses.

Additional Products
Maintain your PROMPT trainers with add-ons, consumables, and replacement parts.