Male Rectal Examination Trainer - Standard (Dark Skin Tone)
Skin Tone
The Standard Male Rectal Examination Trainer focuses on the learning of core rectal nursing procedures. Extensively tested, this model offers realistic, repeatable training of digital rectal and PR examination.
Features on the latest rectal examination model include:
- Increased durability of the perineum
- Simpler, more user friendly locking mechanisms for the prostate and impacted faecal matter inserts
- Softer feel to prostate insert and partable buttocks
- Increase realism of the anus, with resting tone and sphincter contraction through the use of a pulse bulb
The Limbs & Things Standard Rectal Examination simulator is a cost effective way to teach core skills. For advanced training, there is also the Advanced Male Rectal Examination Trainer, or an Upgrade Kit for your existing Standard trainer.
- Simulation of sphincter contractions allows trainees to assess anal tone
- Left lateral positioning
- Addition of impacted faecal matter allows trainees to recognise and distinguish this common finding
- Anus with resting tone and the ability to contract with the use of a pulse bulb
- Soft, partable buttocks
- Improved anal rim
- Softer, more realistic prostates
- Trainer comes with a left lateral stand, and an additional Standing Position stand is available to widen training scenarios
- Remove any excess lubricants, enemas, suppositories, or creams used
- Clean product with a soft damp cloth, using warm water and mild detergent
- Ensure trainer and its components are completely dry before storing
- This product is latex free
- Only use water based lubricant, such as the one supplied with the simulator (other lubricants may damage or weaken the silicone)
- Wear gloves at all times and remove all jewellery before use
- Lubricate your examining finger before performing a digital rectal exam
- Do not use excessive force on the pulse bulb or anus
- Always secure items safely and ensure that the perineum is away from sharp or heavy objects that could cause a puncture
Simulated Patient
- This trainer is suitable for use with a simulated patient
Male anatomy:
- Buttocks
- Anus
- Rectum
- Prostate
- Perineum
Skills Gained
- Professional to patient communication
- Digital examination of the anus, rectum and prostate
- Assessment of anal tone
- Identification of impacted faecal matter in the rectum
Product Contains
Comparison |
Standard | Advanced |
What's included | 60186 | 60187 |
Male Rectal Base Unit (60191) | Yes | Yes |
Left Lateral Stand (60174) | Yes | Yes |
Normal Perineum with Anal Tone (60189) | Yes | Yes |
Pathological Perineum with Anal Tone (60190) | No | Yes |
Normal Prostate | Yes | Yes |
Prostates & Faecal Matter Set (60178) | No | Yes |
Illustration Pack of External Anorectal Conditions (60188) | No | Yes |
Lubricant | Yes | Yes |
Works with the following products:
Undergraduate Medicine - AAMC (2008) - Recommendations for Preclerkship Clinical Skills Education for Undergraduate Medical Education p.26
National Organisation of Nurse Practitioner Faculties, Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies Content , 2017 Independent Practice Competencies p.14
AAFP Recommended Curriculum Guidelines for Family Medicine Residents, Men’s Health Reprint No. 257, 2016
SCORE Curriculum Outline for General Surgery (2017-28): p.19
Medical Deans’ Clinical Assessment Blueprints for the medical graduate
CPMEC Australian Curriculum Framework for Junior Doctors v 3.1, 2012, p.7
RACGP Curriculum for Australian General Practice 2016, CS16 Core Skills unit, p.23
Outcomes for Graduates 2018, General Medical Council, p.16
NMC Future nurse: Standards of proficiency for registered nurses, 17 May 2018, p.35
RCN Competencies - Advanced Nurse Practitioners, 2012, p.4
NHS National Practitioner Program: Matrix Specification for the Physician Associate (2016). p. 73
The UK Foundation Programme Curriculum 2016. p.9
Specialty Training Curriculum for Core Medical Training, 2013 p.86
Guidance for Satisfactory Progression at ARCP panels for GP Specialty Trainees, 2016 p. 6
Intercollegiate Surgical Skills Curriculum, General Surgery, 2013 p.32 and p.187
The Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum, Urology Surgery, Aug 2015 p.20
User Guide
Standard Male Rectal Examination Trainer
PDF | 2.4 MB
Product Brochure
Male Rectal Exam Trainer INT V03 WEB
PDF | 1.2 MB
Product Brochure
Simulador Masculino para Tacto Rectal - ES
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Trainingsmodell für Rektaluntersuchungen Bei Männern - DE
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Product Brochure
Simulateur pour Examen du Rectum Masculin - FR
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Product Brochure
男性直肠指诊检查训练模型 - CN
PDF | 868.3 KB