Smart Airway - Adult (Light Skin Tone)
Skin Tone
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The next evolution of TruCorp’s market-leading AirSim range, Smart Airway, incorporates sensors for personalised feedback and assessment during airway management training.
What benefits does the Smart Airway app bring to airway management training?
The Smart Airway app has three different modes to aid students and teachers with their airway training sessions:
Practice Mode
- Allows students to gain knowledge in advance of classes
- Gives real-time feedback to improve technique
- Provides visuals of lung volumes
Self-direct Assessment
- Includes guided video tutorials for each skill
- Audio and text feedback on performance
- Focused learning and self-directed assessment with graded marks
The next evolution of TruCorp’s market-leading AirSim range, Smart Airway, incorporates sensors for personalised feedback and assessment during airway management training.
What benefits does the Smart Airway app bring to airway management training?
The Smart Airway app has three different modes to aid students and teachers with their airway training sessions:
Practice Mode
- Allows students to gain knowledge in advance of classes
- Gives real-time feedback to improve technique
- Provides visuals of lung volumes
Self-direct Assessment
- Includes guided video tutorials for each skill
- Audio and text feedback on performance
- Focused learning and self-directed assessment with graded marks
Instructor-led Assessment
- Instructors can modify criteria within the scenarios and assessments based on user experience
- As well as the debriefing videos and quantitative feedback, instructors can give additional feedback
- End of assessment certificates and results summary are supplied at the end of the assessment
The Smart Airway app is available on Mac App Store (Apple Silicon Mac only) & App Store for iPads, and the Google Play Store for Android tablets. (Note, this software is not designed for use on smartphones.)
- Sensor-driven adult airway simulation trainer
- Key metric tracking for performance feedback
- Supports independent learning with customisable content
- Realistic adult male torso with visible chest rise and fall
- Uses CT DICOM data for anatomically correct internal features and accurate landmarks
- Incorporates the TruCorp replacement larynx and neck skins to allow for repeatable training
- Airway tested to withstand 20,000+ intubation cycles
- Trainer can be cleaned with a warm damp cloth and mild detergent
- Allow to thoroughly dry before storing
- Contains electronics, do not submerge manikin in water
- Excessive force during use can cause damage to head skin
- Adult male upper torso and head
Skills Gained
- Incisor force
- Patient head positioning
- Jaw thrust
- Cricoid pressure
- Ventilation rate and volume
- Needle cricothyroidotomy
- Surgical cricothyroidotomy
- Percutaneous tracheostomy
- Double nasotracheal intubation
- (BVM) Bag valve mask ventilation techniques
- Full range of supraglottic device insertion
- Direct laryngoscopy
- Video laryngoscopy
- Sellick Manoeuvre
- Awake fibre optic examination
- Endotracheal tube insertion
- Combi tube insertion
Product Contains
Also supplied with a black carry case.
Tablet not included with model, software compatible with Mac, iPad and Android tablets is available to download from app stores.
Recommended equipment sizes (not supplied with trainer):
- Size 6.0-7.0mm ID for nasal intubation
- Size 7.0-7.5mm ID for oral intubation
- Size 3 for LMA laryngeal masks
- Similar respective sizes for other supraglottic devices
American Society of Anaesthesiologists Practice Guidelines for Management of the Difficult Airway
AAMC Recommendations for Clinical Skills Curricula for Undergraduate Medical Education, 2005, p.26-27 Basic airway management (clearance, bagging), placement of oral airway, airway suctioning, cricothyroid membrane puncture technique, laryngoscopy, endotracheal tube placement, fibreoptic examination of nasopharynx.
AAFP Reprint No. 285 Recommended Curriculum Guidelines for Family Medicine Residents, Urgent and Emergent Care, pg.6 (1.b Advanced airway techniques), pg.7 (1.e Cricothyroidotomy, 4.f Nasogastric intubation)
SCORE Curriculum Outline for General Surgery 2017-2018, pg.24 (Surgical Critical Care - Operations/Procedures i. Intubation and Difficult Airway), pg. 37 (Head & Neck - Diseases/Conditions ii. Upper Airway Obstruction. Operations/Procedures ii. Tracheostomy)
National Association of State EMS Officials: National Model EMS Clinical Guidelines (2017), p.8 (5.a.i.4 Airway: use of the appropriate airway management adjuncts and devices: oral airway, nasal airway, blind insertion, or supraglottic airway device, laryngeal mask airway, endotracheal tube), pg. 9 (Universal Care - Patient Management Assessment 5.a.ii), pg.158-159 (Airway Management - Treat & Interventions 2. NPA, 3. SGA, 4. ET Intubation, 7. Cricothyroidotomy)
Health Workforce Australia Medical Graduate Competency Framework Stage 2, Final Report, August 2012, Appendix G Airway Management (see ARC guideline) including: chin lift/head tilt manage partial airway obstruction or complete airway obstruction guedel & nasopharyngeal insertion bag & mask ventilation.
CPMEC Australian Curriculum Framework for Junior Doctors v 3.1 2012 Skills and Procedures, p.31 Airway care including bag mask ventilation with simple adjuncts such as pharyngeal airway.
Paramedics Australia Paramedicine Role Descriptions, Scope of practice, p.4 Intermediate life support including use of supraglottic airway devices. Emergency management of the unconscious patient, cardiac arrest, asthma, anaphylaxis...abnormalities of ventilation.
GMC About the Outcomes for Graduates 2017, p.28 22 Carry out nasogastric tube placement safely, understanding the contraindications to nasogastric tube use, and assess whether a nasogastric tube is correctly placed.
Future nurse: Standards of proficiency for registered nurses,17 May 2018, p.36 8.6 manage airway and respiratory processes and equipment.
Competence and Curriculum Framework for the Physician Assistant 2012 Physician Assistant Managed Voluntary Register, p.16 2.4.1 Participate in cardiopulmonary resuscitation to the level expected in Immediate Life Support Training: including ... bag intubation 2.4.3 Insert a naso-gastric tube.
2009 Core Medical Training curriculum (amendments approved 28 August 2013), p.47 Perform Basic Life Support competently as defined by Resuscitation Council (UK): ...airway manoeuvres, bag and mask ventilation.
The Foundation Programme Curriculum 2016, Section 3: Clinical Care, p.69 15. To initiate and perform immediate adult life support comprising cardiopulmonary resuscitation, simple airway management.
Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum, General Surgery, October 2013 p.127 Formal tracheostomy p.133 Surgical airway management in severe head and neck injury: Cricothyroidotomy.
College of Paramedics Paramedic Curriculum Guidance, 3rd Edition 2015 – Practice Placement Areas, p.39 C 4.2.2 develop and consolidate the skills and techniques of advanced airway management. These will include laryngeal mask airways (LMAs), supraglottic airways, and may include endotracheal intubations (ETIs) in a clinical setting.
The College of Emergency Medicine Curriculum and Assessment Systems For Core Specialty Training ACCS CT1-3 & Higher Specialty Training ST4-6, June 2010 (revised 2012) p.111-113 CMP2 Cardio-Respiratory Arrest: Perform basic life support competently as defined by Resuscitation Council (UK): ... airway manoeuvres, bag and mask ventilation CMP3 Major Trauma: Undertake emergency airway management including how to perform a cricothyroidotomy.
Can this airway trainer help students with learning beyond procedures?
Yes. With the Smart Airway app and the incorporated sensor and internal camera, trainees will get accurate readings of the procedures they perform. They’re able to see the impact of incisor force and cricoid pressure, as well as visualising the airway for a greater understanding of their actions on the human body.
Is it possible to customise the scenarios for different ability students?
The Smart Airway and its app can be customised towards specific competencies, allowing for targeted training where students need it most. Assessments on the app can be easily changed between sessions, and the manikin can also simulate tongue edema with the addition of around 20ml of air.
Is the Smart Airway suitable for independent learning?
Absolutely. The app itself has two modes, Practice and Self-Directed Assessment. Within these two modes, students can familiarise themselves with the model and app, as well as building skills and techniques through theory and video tutorials.
Through the sensors, the app is able to provide real-time feedback and visualisations of lung volumes and ventilation metrics. While the assessments give quantitative scoring and performance benchmarking, ever when studying independently