How is the Anal Sphincter Repair simulator different to the midline and mediolateral models?
This silicone model can be used for 4th degree perineal tears, as well as lesser, 3rd degree tears. The Midline and Mediolateral Repair trainers are designed for regional techniques of 2nd degree repairs.
To give full coverage of repair techniques, the Anal Sphincter Repair simulator was created to aid in training of more severe perineal lacerations. 3-10% of women suffer with this degree of trauma following a vaginal delivery, proper management helps maintain postpartum health of the birth mother.
What instruments and sutures can be used with this simulator?
Standard perineal suturing tools can be used, we recommend the following options:
- Non-toothed forceps
- Non-toothed dissectors
- 2-0, 3-0 or 4-0 vicryl rapide sutures (or equivalent)
- Small sharp scissors (for removing sutures at the end of an exercise)
Please note: You can use toothed forceps and dissectors with this trainer, however, due to the composition of the silicone, longevity of the anal block may be affected.