Introducing Augmented Reality to our Popular Birthing Simulator
Find out how the recent addition of Augmented Reality Training (ART) to PROMPT Flex Birthing Simulator is contributing to safer births for mother and baby.

Simulation in birthing training is key to making labour safer for both women and babies. Now, with the addition of Augmented Reality Training (ART), it can go one step further through increased visibility of internal anatomy, procedures and positioning of the baby.
ART allows learners to explore the internal anatomy of our PROMPT Flex Birthing Simulator, overlaid virtually on to the physical trainer with a smartphone or tablet via the ART app and Mat.
ART technology unlocks an internal viewpoint to explore multiple layers of internal anatomy and detailed 3D animations. Learners can build a deeper understanding of movements during each stage of labour as well as during interventions and manoeuvres. One of the featured manoeuvres shows what happens during shoulder dystocia, and learners are able to see exactly where the baby’s shoulder can become impacted.
By enabling visualisation of areas which can be restricted in real life, including demonstrations on hand positioning, learners can develop a true understanding of how to correctly carry out interventions during birth.
The Limbs & Things PROMPT Flex Birthing Simulator was first introduced in 2006, developed in partnership with the PROMPT Maternity Foundation. It has been used ever since as a core training tool, with a particular focus on shoulder dystocia training.
Dr Katherine Lattey, Simulation Fellow at the PROMPT Maternity Foundation and Limbs & Things said, “PROMPT Flex has been an amazing training tool over the past 18 years. It enables maternity workers to simulate the management of obstetric emergencies for hands-on-training and is brilliant for practicing the internal manoeuvres required to release the baby’s shoulder during shoulder dystocia.
With the addition of ART, educators and trainees can visualise the full internal processes for the mechanisms of vaginal birth and importantly, for emergency interventions, to see exactly how the internal manoeuvres can be performed.”
Once learners have unlocked Augmented Reality on the app, they can continue to access the 3D animations and anatomy outside of the classroom, enabling them to continue learning in their own time as well as in training sessions.
Katherine added, “This multi-modal method of training can be experienced by midwives, obstetric doctors, maternity care assistants, anaesthetists and the wider multi-professional team. As evidence from PROMPT Maternity Foundation demonstrates, multi-professional training is fundamental to better understand and manage key obstetric emergencies.”
PROMPT Flex and ART provide, facilitate, essential training across:
Pelvic and obstetric anatomy
Key movements for spontaneous vaginal birth
Diagnosis and the underlying cause for shoulder dystocia
External manoeuvres for shoulder dystocia – axial traction, McRoberts manoeuvre and suprapubic pressure
Internal manoeuvres for shoulder dystocia – delivery of the posterior arm and internal rotation
Management of the aftercoming head for vaginal breech birth using Mariceau-Smellie-Veit manoeuvre
You can upgrade your existing PROMPT Flex birthing model by purchasing an ART Mat and downloading the Art app on the App Store or Google Play Store.
New to PROMPT? All Standard and Advanced PROMPT Flex trainers now come with an ART Mat included. Discover our range by clicking here.
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